World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
One of the 16. UN specialised organisations based in Geneva. Created 1967 R. To promote intellectual property protection around the world. It now has 184 countries.
Patent Cooperation Agreement (PCT)
contained in 1970 R. The purpose of simplifying patent procedures. One international application of the PCT allows for simultaneous applying for patent protection in all countries/parties of the Agreement. The parties are currently 142 states.
European Patent Convention (EPC)
To be attached in October 1973 It allows to obtain a European patent in the European countries in one proceedings before the European Patent Office.
Paris Convention for the Protection of industrial property
The oldest international Intellectual property agreement established in 1884 by 14 countries. The Convention has introduced a rule of priority whereby anyone who has filed an invention in one of the States of the Convention may report the same invention in another State on the date of the first notification. Currently members of the Convention are 173 states.
Madrid Agreement
Makes it easier to obtain trade mark protection in selected Member States on the basis of a single registration. Currently, it has 56 countries.
Madrid protocol
Allows registration and protection of trade mark in each State/parties of the Protocol through a single international application. 81 States currently acceded to the Protocol.
World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Created in 1995 R. To oversee and liberalizowania the rules governing international trade in such a way that such trade is carried out in a smooth, legal and free manner through the resolution of disputes, the supervision of trade agreements and national trade policies, and assistance Developing countries. Currently, there are 153 members and around 30 countries are negotiating their membership.
Agreement on trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
An international agreement annexed to the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation, with a view to equal treatment as regards the protection of the intellectual property of entities in all Member States.