What should the invention dossier contain?

The notification procedure is carried out in written form. Applications can also be made to the RP Patent Office electronically via special software and electronic signature. The application, depending on the field of technology and the specificity of the invention, may include several to several hundred pages. In order to obtain a patent, an invention declaration should include:

  1. An application containing, inter alia, the applicant's indication, the description of the subject-matter and the application for a patent or an additional patent,
  2. A description of the invention revealing its essence,
  3. Disclaimer or patent claims,
  4. Abbreviation for description,
  5. Drawings, if they are necessary to understand the invention.

Description of the invention the description of the invention should present the invention sufficiently clearly and exhaustively so that the connoisseur can realize this invention. The details of the solution reported must be indicated in the description of the invention in at least one example of implementation or application. The objections of patent reservations determine the scope of the patent. The drawings and description of the invention are used to interpret them. Reservations should briefly specify the invention to be provisioned and define the scope of the requested patent protection in an unambiguous manner. The objections must be fully substantiated by the description of the invention. Patent reservations may not contain drawings, but may contain mathematical or chemical formulas. The abbreviation is a concise and clear statement describing the subject-matter of the application and the specific technical characteristics of the invention and indicating its purpose. The abbreviation for the description is given in the notification notice published in the Patent Office's bulletin. Drawings of the drawings shall be given in the notification dossier if they are necessary for the understanding of the invention to the extent possible to achieve the intended purpose according to the invention. The drawing should present the invention in the example of its implementation in schematic terms, without unnecessary detail. In inventions concerning the method or process, drawings are not required.