January 6, 2017 UPRP joined the Global Patent Prosecution Highway
PPH, which is the accelerated procedure for obtaining a patent, was initiated in 2003. As part of the cooperation between the Japanese Patent Office (SAPS) and the US Anti-fraud Office. Patents and Trade marks (USPTO). This initiative was based on the need to shorten the time of obtaining a patent with a rapidly increasing number of applications for invention, which could have been osiągniąćed by exploiting the results of the work of the authority which had already carried out the analysis and research The same notification. The pilot programme started in July 2006. It proved to be so attractive to both patent applicants and government offices that more and more national and regional offices were being PPH to the country, concluding bilateral agreements. According to the scheme (or announcing the award) of the Patent by OFF (the office of First filing) for the specific reservations contained in the notification, gives the applicant the basis to come to OSF (the office of the second filing) with a request for The application of the accelerated procedure for an analogous declaration containing analogous claims, assessed as admissible. PPH gives the declarant the possibility of obtaining a more rapid and cheaper patent protection in another country. This is called. The "classical" PPH procedure. However, its requirements limit the full exploitation of the results of tests carried out by other authorities. It is not always OFF for the examination of an application earlier than OSF. The examination carried out in OSF cannot be used by the declarant to apply for a patent for the analogous invention in the following offices. This was considered a loss (in Japanese "MOTTAINAI") for both the applicant and the patent offices. This was given by the revised PPH procedure, which was signed in 2011 by eight patent offices (Japanese, American, British, Canadian, Australian, Finnish, Russian and Spanish) and, in the following years, the European, German, Portuguese and Danish. PPH MOTTAINAI simplifies the application of applications for an accelerated PPH procedure. Instead of OFF and OSF introduces the concept of OEE (Office of prior study) and OLE (Office for later testing). The revised PPH procedure allows the use of a prior examination by any office (which is a party to the bilateral agreement between the authorities) without restriction only to the case when OFF is OEE. During the 6th working meeting of the Multilateral PPH (Tokyo, 20-21 June 2013), there were findings that resulted in the signing of a multilateral agreement to join the GLOBAL PPH by 13 patent offices. The agreement is effective from January 6, 2014. and is a modification of PPH MOTTAINAI, and as of 6 January 2017. The programme has already joined the 22 offices (listed below), including the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland. The offices participating in the Global PPH system
- Australian Intellectual Property Office (IP Australia)
- Austrian Patent Office (APO)
- Canadian Intellectual Property Authority (CIPO)
- Danish Food Safety Authority Patents and Trade marks (DKPTO)
- Estonian Patent Office (EPA)
- The Finnish Food Safety Authority Patents and registrations (NBPR)
- German Food Safety Authority Patents and Trade marks (DPMA)
- Hungarian Intellectual Property Authority (HYPO)
- Icelandic Patent Office (IPO)
- Israeli patent Office (ILPO)
- Japanese Patent Office (SAPS)
- Korean Intellectual Property Authority (KIPO)
- Nordic Institute for Patents (NPI)
- Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO)
- Patent Office of the Republic of Poland (PPO)
- Portuguese Industrial Property Institute (INPI)
- Russian Federal Intellectual Property Office (ROSPATENT)
- Singapore Intellectual Property Office (IPOS)
- Spanish Food Safety Authority Patents and Trade marks (SPTO)
- Swedish Food Safety Authority Patents and registrations (PRV)
- British Intellectual Property Authority (UKIPO)
- Olaf US patents and Trade marks (USPTO)